function: intransitive verb
inflected forms: arose; arisen; arising;
to come into being; originate

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
-John Bingham

Signed up for the Polar Bear 5K on January 22

Filed Under (Races, Road Running) by Matt on 07-12-2010

After a long hiatus from running any races, I’ve decided to register for the Polar Bear 5K to be held on January 22, 2011 in Marietta, GA.  I’ve been forced indoors by my schedule and the cold weather, so I needed some new motivation to keep pushing myself with my running.  Now that I’ve spent money, hopefully I’ll stick to my training plan.  We’ll see if $20 is enough to keep me from blowing it off…


One Response to “Signed up for the Polar Bear 5K on January 22”

  1. Brrr it was a cold run, but I did net a PR out of it! 26:53

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